For the past several years, Smart Toursim has not explicitly required that author contributions be listed. The journal's editorial team has continued to refine and improve its editorial standards as it operates the journal. Beginning with Volume 4, Issue 1 in 2023, Smart Tourism requires authors of original research articles to provide author contribution information that identifies the specific contributions each author made in the creation of the article. This requirement does not apply when there is only one author. For information on how to prepare for this section, authors can review the Author Guidelines. Another change, beginning with Volume 4, Issue 1, is the change in article layout from double column to single column. This change was made to make it easier for authors to prepare their submissions. All authors who are interested in submitting a manuscript to this journal should be aware of these changes. |

Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
Indexing & Archiving
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